
Here are many of the items we have in store. If you don’t see an item, contact us to see if we carry it. If we don’t, we’ll order and deliver it to your house within 2 days.

a man in a white coat

Over the Counter

We carry a variety of vitamins and supplements, including our popular Uncle Moishey and Maxi-Health gummy multi vitamins. Some products we offer include pain relievers like Advil and Tylenol, cold and flu remedies like NyQuil, Sudafed and Robitussin, and digestive aids like Tums and Align. Plus, we carry a variety of vitamins and supplements, including our popular kid’s gummy multi vitamins.

Pain relievers (e.g. Tylenol, Advil)

Cold and flu remedies (e.g. NyQuil, Sudafed, Robitussin)

Allergy medications (e.g. Benadryl, Flonase)

Reading glasses

Digestive aids (e.g. Tums, MiraLAX)

First aid supplies (e.g. Band-Aid, Neosporin)

Vitamins and supplements (e.g. One-A-Day, Centrum)

Skincare products (e.g. Cetaphil, Proactiv)

Oral hygiene products (e.g. Crest, Listerine)

Sunscreen (e.g. Coppertone, Banana Boat)

Insect repellent (e.g. OFF!, Cutter)

Eye drops (e.g. Visine, Refresh)

Pads and tampons (e.g. Always, Tampax)

Diapers and baby wipes (e.g. Huggies, Pampers)

Allergy relief products (e.g. Zyrtec, Mucinex)

Cold sore remedies (e.g. Abreva, Zilactin)

Hemorrhoid treatments (e.g. Preparation H, Tucks)

Motion sickness remedies (e.g. Dramamine, Bonine)

Sleep aids (e.g. Unisom, ZzzQuil)

Nasal saline solution (e.g. Ocean, Ayr)

Ear drops (e.g. Murine, Debrox)

Contact lens solution (e.g. Bausch & Lomb, Alcon)

Cough drops (e.g. Halls, Ricola)

Smoking cessation aids (e.g. Nicorette, Chantix)

Sexual health products (e.g. Trojan, KY)

Antifungal creams or sprays (e.g. Lotrimin, Lamisil)

Athlete's foot creams (e.g. Lamisil, Tinactin)

Wart removal treatments (e.g. Compound W, Dr. Scholl's)

Lice treatment products (e.g. Nix, RID)

Nasal congestion strips (e.g. Breathe Right, Vicks)

Stomach ache relief products (e.g. Pepto-Bismol, Imodium)

Throat lozenges or sprays (e.g. Chloraseptic, Cepacol)

Vaginal yeast infection treatments (e.g. Monistat, Gyne-Lotrimin)

Acne spot treatments (e.g. Clearasil, Neutrogena)

Baby rash creams or ointments (e.g. Desitin, A+D)

Dandruff shampoos (e.g. Head & Shoulders, Nizoral)

Feminine hygiene products (e.g. panty liners, feminine wipes)

Hemorrhoid suppositories (e.g. Anusol, Preparation H)

Laxative tablets or liquids (e.g. Dulcolax, Ex-Lax)
Nasal sprays (e.g. Afrin, Flonase)

Sunburn relief sprays or lotions (e.g. Aloe Vera, Solarcaine)

Durable Medical Equipment

We offer a wide selection of durable medical equipment (DME) to help you manage your chronic health conditions and maintain your quality of life. DME items are designed for long-term use. We carry wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, nebulizers, and blood sugar monitors. All of our DME items are available for purchase at competitive prices. Contact us to request the DME item you need or for information regarding the insurance coverage.

Wheelchairs and scooters

Walkers, canes, and crutches

Orthopedic braces and supports

Nebulizers and inhalers

Hospital beds and other medical furniture

Compression stockings and hosiery

Incontinence supplies

Ostomy supplies

Wound care products

Lift chairs

Blood glucose monitors and diabetes supplies

Mobility aids, such as ramps and lifts

Bathroom safety equipment, such as grab bars and shower chairs

Medical supplies, such as syringes, needles, and bandages

Assistive devices, such as hearing aids and speech-generating devices

Respiratory equipment, such as CPAP machines and humidifiers

Rehabilitation equipment, such as exercise machines and balance trainers

Sleep apnea equipment, such as masks and chin straps

Infusion pumps and IV supplies

Pressure mattresses and other pressure-relief products

Personal Care

We carry a wide variety of care products to help you take care of your body and maintain your overall health and well-being. From shampoo and conditioner to toothpaste and toothbrushes, we have everything you need to keep yourself clean and refreshed. We also offer a range of skincare products, including facial cleansers, moisturizers, and acne treatments, to help you achieve a healthy, glowing complexion.

Shampoo (e.g. Head & Shoulders, Pantene)

Conditioner (e.g. Tresemme, Herbal Essences)

Hair styling products (e.g. gel, mousse, hairspray)

Hair removal products (e.g. wax, razors)

Deodorant (e.g. Secret, Old Spice)

Toothpaste (e.g. Crest, Colgate)

Toothbrush (e.g. Oral-B, Colgate)

Mouthwash (e.g. Listerine, Crest)

Floss (e.g. Oral-B, Crest)

Lotion (e.g. Nivea, Cetaphil)

Sunscreen (e.g. Neutrogena, Banana Boat)

Makeup (e.g. Maybelline, Covergirl)

Nail polish (e.g. OPI, Sally Hansen)

Nail polish remover (e.g. Cutex, OPI)

Facial cleanser (e.g. Cetaphil, Neutrogena)

Facial moisturizer (e.g. Cetaphil, Neutrogena)

Facial toner (e.g. Bioderma, La Roche-Posay)

Facial masks (e.g. Glamglow, Freeman)

Facial scrubs (e.g. St. Ives, Bioré)

Facial serums (e.g. Olay, Neutrogena)

Facial eye creams (e.g. Olay, Neutrogena)

Facial acne treatments (e.g. Proactiv, Neutrogena)

Lip balm (e.g. Burt's Bees, Carmex)

Hand sanitizer (e.g. Purell, Germ-X)

Hand lotion (e.g. Nivea, Cetaphil)

Tissues (e.g. Kleenex, Puffs)

Cotton swabs (e.g. Q-tips, Johnson & Johnson)

Cotton balls (e.g. Johnson & Johnson, Walgreens)

Feminine hygiene products (e.g. tampons, pads)

Adult incontinence products (e.g. Depend, Poise)

Contact lens solution (e.g. Bausch & Lomb, Opti-Free)

Contact lens case (e.g. Bausch & Lomb, Walgreens)

Eyeglass cleaner (e.g. Opti-Free, Walgreens)

Eyeglass case (e.g. Walgreens, Ray-Ban)

Earplugs (e.g. Mack's, Hearos)

Hair brush (e.g. Conair, Wet Brush)

Hair accessories (e.g. bobby pins, hair ties)

Makeup brush (e.g. Real Techniques, Sigma Beauty)

Makeup sponge (e.g. Beautyblender, Real Techniques)

Makeup remover (e.g. Neutrogena, Bioderma)

Towelettes (e.g. Neutrogena, Bioderma)

Body wash (e.g. Dove, Dial)

Bath soap (e.g. Dove, Ivory)

Shaving cream (e.g. Gillette, Nivea)

Aftershave (e.g. Nivea, Old Spice)